U stands for unconditional election, which is part of God’s solution to our total depravity. The fall into sin, of course, did not surprise God. He knows the end from the beginning and has ordained history as part of the outworking of His plan and purposes for all things (Isa. 46:8–11Eph. 1:11). The Lord would have been just to keep us in our state of sin and estrangement from Him, but He decided to set His special love on His people, choosing to redeem them and restore to them their status as God’s children. Unconditional election is God’s loving choice of specific sinners for salvation without respect to any good in them(Rom. 9:1–29). His saving love for us is not conditioned on our intelligence, our looks, our kindness, our social status, or anything else. He loves His people not because they are less sinful than others. Every descendant of Adam and Eve (except for Christ) is a sinner. Unconditional election says that God chooses to save some people and to pass over others. He has a love for some people that He does not have for others. If you are a Christian, it is because in eternity past, long before you were born, God chose to love you with His saving love. He did not choose you because you were better than others. He did not choose you because He knew you would choose Him if He gave you the chance. He simply chose to love you, and since His love is not conditioned on anything in you, He will never stop loving you.

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